Heather Ballard

 About Me

I have always enjoyed helping people and from an early age I loved massage therapy. I remember being about 8 years old when my grandmother had some very serious pain from a ruptured disc in her back. She had gone to the doctor and after a few series of pain meds, she was told she would just have to live with the pain, there was nothing else they could do for her. A family friend who happened to be a massage therapist offered to give a massage. After a few sessions, my grandmother was in no pain. I was amazed! And thanks to that sweet lady be kind enough to teach an 8 year old a few tricks of the trade, I could not get enough and decided I wanted to help people relax and relieve pain just as she had.

I graduated school in 2009, immediately passed my licensure exam and began working in a spa a month later. I have taken continuing education classes in chair massage, medical massage, and ethics.

I look forward to working with you!!